Vancouver Moments with the ACROS film simulation

Vancouver Moments with the ACROS film simulation

The mission was simple: take the Fuji X-Pro2 with the XF 35mm F1.4 and head downtown to capture some Vancouver moments using the latest ACROS film simulation from Fuji. We were after strong shadows, noticeable highlights and most importantly captivating scenes. We have already had a chance to shoot with this new film simulation and [...]

Photographic Retreat with the X-Pro2 or: How to choose a camera?

Photographic Retreat with the X-Pro2 or: How to choose a camera?

Last time we had a good time (and a laugh) having a conversation with the X-Pro2. We received great feedback for which we are both very grateful.   Today we will continue to cover this new camera but we’ll approach the subject in a slightly different way. Each time a new camera hits the market the [...]

A new life with the X-series

A new life with the X-series

When chatting with photographers I notice that many of them shy away from unfamiliar genres of photography. Some are even dismissive as is often the case when mentioning wedding photography. Too bad, because challenging yourself with a different type of photography not only brings you a wider perspective but dramatically improves your seeing. And if [...]