New Street Photography Workshops: London and Berlin

New Street Photography Workshops: London and Berlin

London and Berlin – what amazing cities to do street photography, meet passionate people and learn how to see and craft stunning images! I am very excited to invite you to the three-day workshops I have the privilege to lead. There is no question that there is a plethora of street photography out there – [...]

The best Fujifilm lenses to start with in late 2017

The best Fujifilm lenses to start with in late 2017

It has been a while since we wrote a gear-related post. For the last few months we have concentrated on seeing, composition, light, emotions and projects etc., the least popular concepts in photography 🙂 It’s time to correct this omission! I must admit that the endless stream of emails and online inquiries about “which lens/lenses [...]

The fabulous life of a working photographer!

The fabulous life of a working photographer!

You wake up in the morning in your designer house with a fabulous ocean view knowing it is going to be another successful day in your photographic career. You need to believe in yourself – they say! Then you head to your glitzy kitchen and prepare a healthy breakfast with organic eggs and your must-have [...]

London Calling

London Calling

London has been the first destination during our recent strictly photographic trip to Europe. There is no question that many people travel to numerous destinations around the world and most of them has a sort of camera with them. It could be an iPhone, a small point-and-shoot or a large SLR. It doesn’t really matter. [...]

Go out, feel, see and “make something wonderful”!

Go out, feel, see and “make something wonderful”!

While I was working on my first blog post since my return from a one-month photography trip to Europe, something made me pause and think. When travelling and shooting I didn’t have a chance to watch the latest Apple presentation. Last night I was able to take a glimpse at this very event (don’t worry, [...]