Medium Format Magazine – Celebrating the First Year

First of all, I would like to thank you for your amazing response, all your thoughtful comments and notes about “The Future of Photography” piece. I am working on Part II in which I will continue the discussion on this fascinating subject. 

Before I do that, I would like to share with you some very exciting news. Today my team and I released the anniversary edition of the Medium Format Magazine. It is hard to believe but it has already been a year. I am very proud of this achievement and thankful to so many people for their help and participation.   

As soon as I started shooting with medium format, I wanted to read more and exchange ideas with fellow medium format photographers. But other than randomly dispersed articles on the web, there was no single high-quality resource for those who work with medium format, either digital or film. There was no question that such a resource was needed. 

The decision was made to create just such a resource—the Medium Format Magazine—a high-quality publication which I would love to read myself. In other words, we weren’t interested in putting together a summary of the Internet-sourced blogs about medium format photography. We wanted to create a high-quality publication with great, exclusive and curated content accompanied by stunning photography. 

The first days of this adventure were marked by solving problems and jumping over many hoops, including financial ones. But the key direction, the idea, was clear—to create the best quality magazine possible. What do I mean by quality? It always starts with great people and content. In the industry, which has been under a major assault on all fronts, where the word “success” is associated with survival rather than riches, starting something new is like playing the lottery. Even before the magazine saw its first day, I had already received numerous messages and emails telling us not to bother because it wouldn’t work. Once again, my inability to listen to reason, or as some of my friends call it “irrepressible stubbornness” and history of taking on laborious projects, took over my decision-making process. 

Fortunately, this peculiar aspect of my character led me to truly incredible people. In my editorial piece in the magazine I mention a lot of great people I had the privilege to work with on this publication. I am very grateful for each interaction, support and good word. It has been an incredible journey for me personally.

I would also like to thank every one of you. Few of you shoot medium format and I absolutely understand it. I always say medium format is not better, it is different and not everyone needs it. Having said that, many of you supported me all the way during this journey. You were patient when I failed to answer your email or message. This support has been very important to me for which I am very grateful.

Now, as things are working more smoothly, I have committed the last few months to organizing my photographic life better. I had to cut some projects but once my focus is clear I will be able to write more, share more and listen more. I am very excited about the next few months including my upcoming book about the craft of seeing, which I hope you will find interesting and thought-provoking. 

The focus of this blog remains on creative seeing regardless of the gear you use. For those of you who subscribe to the Simplicity-In-Seeing platform, you will hear from me soon. I will share some exciting news. 

Today, let’s celebrate!  

If you shoot with medium format and you are not a subscriber to the Medium Format Magazine, I have set up special anniversary pricing for readers of this blog only! This special US$99 per year price—the lowest ever—is valid for the next 5 days only.


(applies to yearly subscription only)

I hope you take this opportunity to join our medium format community. If you know someone who shoots medium format, please forward the link to them. I would really appreciate it. 

2019 © OLI Publishing Inc. All rights reserved.

5 thoughts on “Medium Format Magazine – Celebrating the First Year

  1. Please keep up your focused commitment. We are all the beneficiaries of your “irrepressible stubbornness.” I enjoy every issue and am continually amazed at the erudition and depth of each article. I am always inspired to bring out my Pentax 645. Thank you, Olaf

      1. Yes, but not primarily. I also shoot 35 mm with my Bessa Rangefinder and my Fuji XT1; but when I review my scans, nothing beats the medium format. BTW, super excited for the March workshop in SF-look forward to more information. Cheers.

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