The Right Tool

Nothing has been more enjoyable than writing, exchanging ideas and making photographic friendships on this blog. It has been my home for the last seven years and I can’t express how grateful I am for knowing you.

There has been lots going on in my photographic life in the last few months. I started some new projects, large and small. Among them is my involvement in the newly formed platform. This membership community and the accompanying Medium Format Magazine was created for digital medium format shooters around the world. When I started to work with a medium format camera I quickly realized that there are certain technical and visual aspects which differ from other cameras. Please note that I used the word “differ.”

In recent weeks, I have seen heated discussions on the internet about APS-C vs. Full Frame vs. Medium Format, which I believe are based on a false premise. Each format has its advantages — they simply differ in certain aspects. Whichever we choose to work with, we must combine genuine and unique seeing, crafting the image and executing it with the right tool. “The right tool” is our personal choice.

For me the answer in the last few months was the X100F and the GFX50S. They are very different cameras, both of which I’ve enjoyed tremendously. Although there are many resources on the internet regarding operating and seeing with the X100F, there is not much about digital medium format photography. I’m fascinated by the subject and in tandem with my work on the Renatus Project (shot exclusively with medium format), I got involved in the platform.

I could not be in better company. Patrick La Roque, Ming Thein, Jonas Rask, Take Kayo and Lloyd Chambers joined the editorial team to write their own columns. They will be sharing their ideas and knowledge in the medium format context. I can’t wait for their first editorials.

On top of that, there will be regular webinars with medium format photographers, exclusive medium format educational materials and much more. I also have the pleasure of working with designers and language editors making sure the magazine and the site provides the best content without the usual clutter of advertising.

Those of you who are using medium format cameras (or are planning to), I invite you to join us at Currently, we are running a pre-sale with ALL-IN pricing.

Also, please share the link with friends who would be interested in the platform.

On a different subject, due to many requests I will be offering the Simplicity-In-Seeing program, which I teach in my workshops, in the form of an intense online course. This will involve webinars, assignments, online presentations, discussion and lots of material to help you master the craft of creative photography and unleash your own seeing. This is going to be the only online course this year with just 20 spots available! Stay tuned for more details.

Now, I must start packing as next week I am heading to Paris to teach the final European workshop of 2018. I may even bump into Ibarionex Perello, who is teaching in Paris the same weekend. It can’t get better than that. Talk to you soon.

Let’s do some visual voyaging today.

next time…




2018 © Olafphoto. All rights reserved

4 thoughts on “The Right Tool

  1. Dear Olaf,

    thank you for your thoughts!
    Talking about the right tool, about its advantages and the differences in certain aspects I really would like to know what you think:
    What are your personal preferences?
    When do you choose one over the other?
    What are the aspects you are talking about?
    I really would like to know before I invest in a medium format system like the Fujifilm GFX.
    Thank you for your support!
    Kind regards,

  2. Hi Olaf! Just bought your ebook a few days ago and I really like it.
    I think there is still a big unbalance between gear related content in the web and content that is regarding to composition,color, seeing etc….
    Luckily I find you and spend already a lot of time reading your blog 🙂

    How often you update or post new content in your offered Simplicity-in-seeing program ?


  3. Hey Olaf! Fellow Vancouverite here. I just wanted to comment and say, what powerful images you have here! I feel like you are constantly changing your seeing, and I’d love to learn from you. Maybe I’ll bump into you on the Vancity Streets sometime 🙂


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