Take Your Time Seeing

Take Your Time Seeing

When interacting with my students or even experienced photographers who are new to the genre of street photography, they often tell me about their frustration in finding out how to begin. There are several issues such as lack of concentration, inability to find a good subject, busy compositions, etc. We have written quite extensively about [...]

Early Mornings – When the God of Light Smiles on Photographers

I have to admit I love mornings especially at the weekend when places and people are still asleep. Waking up when it is still dark doesn’t bother me, in fact quite the opposite. Excitement and the unknown light, conditions, places and even the people I might encounter keep me on the go. Whether you shoot [...]

Get wide right! (shooting with the Fujinon XF 14mm F2.8)

While we continue to shoot almost daily with the X100s and gather our thoughts about this camera, we decided to take a break from the topic and present some images from our recent trip to an unknown British Columbia. Shooting with wide-angle lenses poses a challenge for many new photographers. This is not a “have [...]

To colour or not to colour?

In the last few months I have noticed a flood of strongly de-saturated imagery on the Internet as if colour had suddenly fallen out of fashion. I have even heard an opinion that using strong colour is not professional. Part of the reason could be the rising popularity of HDR-like, oversaturated imagery, which indeed looks [...]

While writing with light you sometimes need the right ‘pigment’.

Without light there would be no photography. In fact, the word photography comes from two Greek words that mean “writing with light.” I am often asked how I get these colours. My short answer is: without the right light, no camera, lens or software would give me this type of strong, dramatic and powerful colours [...]

Don’t leave the house without a camera – you never know what you will encounter.

Yesterday I was helping my friend to shoot his movie in downtown Vancouver (I will update you about this exciting project later). While filming the final scenes of the day I noticed that a gap in the clouds allowed the setting sun to create a type of light I always look for: warm, diffused with [...]